About me

I started my career as a computer technician years ago and continued studying until I reached the goal to become a programmer. Over time I discovered my passion for web and decided to specialize in it by doing a Higher Technical Certificate in Web Application Development and a Bootcamp of Web Development.

While studying, I started creating static web pages with CMS like Wordpress or Prestashop as a freelance for small and medium companies, and also with other collaborators such as UX / UI designers or SEO consultants. These projects helped me gain experience designing web pages as well as managing projects.

I am currently focused on Front End technologies, specifically on React with Redux and other technologies like Context API, SASS/LESS, Server Side Rendering, and more. Developing in TDD and clean architecture.

🎓 Formation

Higher Technical Certificate in Web Application Development
IOC, Institut Obert de Catalunya (CFGS - DAW)

Higher Technical Certificate in Multi platform Application Development
IES Sabadell (CFGS- DAM)

Bootcamp Full Stack Development
Ironhack Tech School (Web Dev)

Technical Certificate in IT
Escola Joviat (CFGM - SMIX)

👨🏼‍💻 Courses

During my studies as a developer I have always been very curious and many technologies have caught my attention. That is the main reason I have been taking additional courses and tutorials to learn new programming languages, or simply to review those I currently work with.

  • React (Redux, Hooks & MERN) by Fernando Herrera - 54 hours.

    Context API
    Mongo DB
  • The Great Gatsby Bootcamp by Andrew Mead - 6 hours.

  • Docker DevOps by Ricardo André González - 8,5 hours.

    Docker Compose
    Docker Registry

📚 Books

During my studies as a developer I have always been very curious and many technologies have caught my attention. That is the main reason I have been taking additional courses and tutorials to learn new programming languages, or simply to review those I currently work with.

  • Eloquent Javascript Third Edition by Marjin Haverbeke.
  • Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin.
  • Clean Code by Robert C. Martin.
  • Clean Javascript by Miguel A. Gómez.
  • Desarrollo web con React by Pello Xabier.
  • Hábitos atómicos by James Clear.

By Oriol Hilari © 2022